Ron Paul vs Kucinich: Why isn’t the Left Outraged at private bankers controlling our currency? Understanding fiat currency systems, labor markets, and economics

June 6, 2007

This is a response to a bulletin post titled “An Open Letter to Libertarian Activists (Paul; Kucinich)”. This post is encouraging Ron Paul supporters to take another look at Kucinich because Kucinich seems to advocate more policy to protect the labor market. I am glad for this post because it is good to see intelligent reasonings on both sides of the issues. I’d like folks to listen to the free archive of my talk show last friday night, “The Rule of Law” on where I interviewed Dr. Bill Veith. He very clearly explains the true nature of fiat currency systems and the truth of the economic situation we are in today. I think that once people get a really good grasp on the true nature of our fiat economic system and how it completely screws the labor market, there will be no question in anyone’s mind as to who they should support. We can never protect the workforce unless we return to a commodity-based currency. For those just starting out on this issue, here is a good short article on this topic: “Monetary Policy -The Federal Reserve Exposed”

“If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning.” – President Andrew Jackson.

I am mostly a libertarian myself, though not the hardest of the hard core. I’m more like a populist Constitutionalist than anything I suppose. I believe in free market, but I also believe we must have strong anti-trust laws. I don’t agree with the ultimate libertarians who oppose anti-trust laws. If we don’t have anti-trust laws, then monopolies will take over and then we’d have no free market. I argue often with other libertarians that if they love their precious free market so much then they should advocate anti-trust laws or else they’ll lose their free market. That usually shuts them up.

I actually see strong labor unions as part of the free market phenomenon. It is a natural formation in the labor market, hence it is actually part of the free market system. The phenomenon of workers bonding together to make themselves into a strong unified force that must be reckoned with by employers places the employers in the position of being forced to negotiate and make concessions or else they won’t have a workforce. I see this as pretty much falling under the basic principles of supply and demand. Supply = labor, demand = employer needs workers. If the employer wants his need of a labor force to be met, then he will have to deal with the market of the workforce which will place certain requirements on the employer if he wants to get his need of a workforce to be met.

I think that the workers themselves through strong labor unions can be greatly more effective at protecting themselves through this kind of heavy leverage by making specific demands that they deem necessary for their industry, rather than some kind of blanket government protective legislation that may or may not be able to be enforced. An employer may break a labor protection law, but it could take a long time to get anything done about it, if ever. But if the employer is facing losing all his employees if he doesn’t make his workplace safe for them however, that is where the enforcement and incentive comes in. The employer has to comply with the requirements the workforce is placing on him, and he has to comply IMMEDIATELY or else his business will go bankrupt in a big hurry due to strikes. This is why labor unions actually are part of the free market system because there is incentive for the employer to comply with the unions or else suffer a loss.

I believe that until we can get rid of the fraud of fiat currency there probably should be some safety-net type legislation to protect workers because not all businesses or industries are big enough to naturally develop labor unions in their markets, and with the currency having no intrinsic value, there is little leverage or bargaining power for those who hold that currency. But the real protections are going to come from the workers themselves banding together into a strong force that must be reckoned with by the employers. The main thing the government needs to do at this point would just simply be to prohibit employers from intimidating workers, discriminating against them, or firing them or threatening to fire them for being in the labor union, and to very strongly enforce labor union protections with heavy jail time and fines. The government also should protect unions by legislating to never interfere with strikes or any other actions by unions even if the unions consist of workers who work for the government, like transportation workers. Remember the subway workers in New York? The government ordered them to end their strike. This is wrong. Those workers got screwed.

I see employers undermining labor unions by threatening or firing workers as actually being akin to violating an anti-trust law. The employer would be making maneuvers to control or “monopolize” the labor market for his own purposes. Strong labor union protection laws would mean that if an employer does this kind of thing then he would not only be committing a felony but also could get his pants sued off. This way the power is in the hands of the PEOPLE where it belongs, rather than handing over the power to law-makers and depending on them to pass oodles and oodles of legislation to protect us when those laws may or may not be enforced.

The current situation appears to me that we don’t really have a free market. What we have right now is corporate welfare. The government is not protecting a free market. They won’t enforce anti-trust laws, they won’t protect labor unions, there are no-bid government contracts with private corporations on a daily basis. These no-bid private-public partnerships violate free market because there is no competition, monopolies are formed, and it undermines our Republic because taxpayers have no say in how our money is spent. I hear some people bashing free market a lot because workers get ripped off and taken advantage of, but those people don’t have an understanding of what free market really means. If we had free market the labor unions would keep employers in their place and the government would protect the free market by protecting labor unions.

I’m for Ron Paul because he’s not really a true hard core libertarian. He’s more of a populist constitutionalist and paleo-conservative. He’s the only one who is really advocating following the Constitution. I have looked at others’ philosophies like Kucinich, and the reason I still advocate Ron Paul is because I believe that he has by far the best and most thorough understanding of the fiscal and economic situation we are facing as a nation. He’s the only one I’ve seen that truly understands the fractional reserve system and the eminent pending financial catastrophe that is coming upon us because of the fiat currency system we use that is forced upon us at gunpoint by the government yet controlled by a monopoly of private bankers known as the Federal Reserve. He is the only one who has a solid strategy for backing out of this extremely dangerous system we are in with this privately-controlled, government-enforced fiat currency, and what he advocates would not crash the economy, but rather we would make a gentle and controlled transition back to commodity-based currency which would stabilize our economy and eliminate inflation.

Almost all problems in the labor market are ultimately caused by fiat currency. This may seem like a pat answer or a generalization, but it is true. I have studied economics, labor markets, and fiat currencies for a long long time. The workforce in general is screwed because we trade our hard asset – labor – for literally NOTHING. Fiat currency is worthless. Government forces us to trade with it, and bankers control it’s purchasing power, but the currency itself is worthless. That is how they are controlling and screwing us. We are blind to this because we are under the illusion that we are actually getting paid for our labor and we think we have real money, but we don’t. The bankers know it too, and they set it up this way to completely control and manipulate us through government enforcement of their worthless currency. Neither bankers nor the government can control the value of a commodity like gold or silver, but they can control fiat. If our currency was commodity-based rather than worthless pieces of paper or even just numbers in the computer, the people would have all the power rather than the monopoly of private bankers via government enforcement.

I can’t understand why the leftists and liberals are not jumping up and down screaming bloody murder right now because our currency is controlled by private bankers rather than Congress, or the PEOPLE!!! We need to educate the left about this so they can come in with their leftist philosophies and help us conservatives do something about this serious situation.

We are almost powerless because we have no true wealth. All the money in the bank is worthless if its in the form of federal reserve notes. We must return to a silver/gold standard of currency or our labor markets will always be suppressed and enslaved. No one else is advocating returning to commodity based currency but Ron Paul. And other politicians and the media want to label him as “crazy” or “radical” and “idealistic” for wanting a commodity-backed currency, but that is because he knows the truth about this fiat system and those other politicians and the media either do not have the fiscal understanding to realize the gravity of this extremely serious situation, or those other politicians are being paid off by the private bankers who control the fiat system to discredit Ron Paul because he is a huge threat to them. He is their ultimate nemesis. He would utterly destroy the stranglehold the private bankers have on the workforce. That’s why he is our hero.

Those who truly understand economics can see that Ron Paul is the only one who can truly help the workforce. He sees that we are being crushed by the inflation of a worthless currency and that eventually it could destroy us. He wants to put the power back into our hands by giving us an economic system based on sound money – commodity backed currency. He is offering to solve the root cause of the problems in the labor market and the economy as a whole for that matter. This is a far more precious gift to us than trying to put a legislative labor-protections band-aid on the severe problems in the labor market which are really caused by this disastrous and oppressive fiat economic system controlled by private bankers.

This is actually the reason that Ron Paul got into politics to begin with. He began studying economics in the ’60’s. When the Federal Reserve defaulted on the Bretton Woods agreement in ’71 and went off the gold standard causing the world-wide economic crisis that was predicted many years in advance by economists whom Ron Paul had studied years before, he went into politics to try to solve the problem and educate people about economics so that we could try to dig ourselves out of the economic hole that the private bankers have pushed us into. Dr. Veith talks about the Bretton Woods disaster in my interview last friday.

Getting rid of the Federal Reserve is not just some cool, radical, eccentric, “far-out” idea. Every fiat currency in the history of the world has crashed and the society has suffered miserably for a long time before and after as a result. If we don’t seize control of our economy away from these private bankers known as the Federal Reserve and restore a commodity-based currency for ourselves, this fiat currency will eventually crash and we are going to be in deep doo-doo. Pretty much no other issue is going to matter if we can’t buy food or pay our mortgages. The bankers are planning for this crash, they know it’s coming, they set it up to crash from the beginning, and they are planning on imposing an even more oppressive fiat system on us to replace the old one to “save us” if we don’t stop them. This is what they have done all over the world for the last century. It is a deliberate plan. The bankers impose fiat systems, those systems crash eventually, then the bankers collapse multiple failed fiat systems into a more centralized fiat system that is even more oppressive on the people. This is just historical fact.

Folks who have a good understanding of economics are seeing the fiscal signs. It is happening here too. Haven’t most people heard of the “Amero” yet? How they are planning to consolidate Canadian, U.S., and Mexican currency into one? And how this could destroy our sovereignty by bringing our nation under the control of a regional government? This is not a matter of “left” vs “right”. This is a matter of SURVIVAL. We must restore commodity-based currency or we will never have liberty, privacy, property, labor protections, national sovereignty, or anything else for that matter.

Please listen to the archives of my interview with Dr. Bill Veith. He is a fiscal expert and he lays it all out in terms that a layman can understand in a relatively short amount of time. He more fully explains the things I have said here in this article.

Here’s a special note for libertarians – I have already been getting comments on my other blog from purists chastising me for advocating anti-trust laws and labor union protections. Please consider this: The reason we have these issues and debates about government regulation of business in the first place is because of FIAT CURRENCY. My main point of this blog is that we need to return to commodity-based currency. There is no way to have any semblance of free market with a fiat system, even if there were no regulations on business at all because workers and retailers are trading their labor and goods under government coercion for literally NOTHING in a fiat system. Fiat currency by definition is the ULTIMATE in government regulation – fiat means that the government manipulates, controls, and enforces the purchasing power of the currency on the business world and the general public at the end of the barrel of a GUN. Not only that, every business in the market is forced (for all practical purposes) to deal with the fiat currency as well if they want to participate in the general market place. The market itself has no power whatsoever to decide the purchasing power/value of the common substance used to exchange goods and services. The concept of fiat currency is COMPLETELY AGAINST ALL LIBERTARIAN philosophy and to be honest it is against all Leftist philosophy as well because the private bankers ultimately control the currency. If everyone was in the same market, no dual systems, and the people actually traded labor (and goods & services) for commodities which have intrinsic worth, then the people would have the power over the currency, they wouldn’t get screwed, and they wouldn’t be asking for the government to regulate employers with labor laws.

Privately controlled fiat systems that are forced on the public by the government is a recipe for DISASTER and that setup is neither liberal nor conservative. It is neither socialist nor libertarian. The private bankers control the currency and are free to have a separate system of trade of commodities amongst themselves that is beyond any government control whatsoever, and yet these bankers use the government to enforce a worthless fiat system on the public and the general marketplace at GUNPOINT. This is a dual market system enforced by the government for the purpose of benefit of the bankers where the elite enjoy a purist libertarian free market of commodities exchange which is beyond all government control yet the public and the general market must submit to worthless currency as means of trade of goods and services at gunpoint by the government. The bankers create inflation and loss of purchasing power of the currency by endlessly “creating” money out of thin air and the government enforces it.

“Why do they keep printing it” everyone asks. The reason is because they HAVE TO. It is complicated, but the short answer is this: The government borrows $20 from the Federal Reserve. Now the government (for all practical purposes, the people) owes the Feds $25 because the Feds charge interest on the $20. Well, where in the %#@! do you think the government is going to get the $5 bucks from to pay the $5 back to the Feds? The Feds have to print another $5 out of thin air and lend it to us so we can pay them back their 5 bucks! Now we have to pay back the 5 AND we owe interest on the 5. They have to keep printing and lending. It’s an endless cycle. And what about the original $20? We can’t pay that back because we need it for circulation. If we paid the Feds back the principle of the loan then we’d have NO MONEY. So we’ll accrue interest on that $20 FOREVER and the interest will keep increasing because we’ll have to keep borrowing money to pay the interest on top of the other interest.

Besides all that, now we need more than $20 for circulation anyway. The $5 (plus interest) on top of the original $20 is caught up in paying back interest to the bankers, so we need to LABOR more to earn more to pay back the bankers. Where are we going to get the “more money” from even if we have the capacity to labor more? We need more money in circulation. We need to borrow another $20 just to pay back interest and keep up with the loss of purchasing power due to the increase of currency in circulation from the $5 plus it’s interest . So now that there is more currency in circulation, the currency is devalued and the purchasing power is lost. We need more and more currency continually just to keep up with the pace of the interest we owe them. Because the purchasing power always decreases at a faster pace than we can labor to pay back the interest, the system is DESIGNED TO FAIL. THIS IS WHAT INFLATION IS. The more currency that is created, the more interest we owe the bankers, the more the currency is devalued, it’s an endless cycle, eventually the currency becomes worth absolutely nothing and we can’t pay back the interest. The interest payments to the private bankers on the borrowed worthless government-enforced currency become larger than what we can physically labor to support, and that’s when we become bankrupt and the currency CRASHES. It has happened thousands of times in history. The bankers want it to happen. They set it up this way to control us.

As long as there is fiat currency which is controlled by private bankers and enforced on the people at gunpoint by the government we can’t even BEGIN to make any purist libertarian arguments against government regulation because fiat currency means the game is already OVER BEFORE IT STARTS. Whether or not the government regulates or how much they regulate does not even matter much after that point. Even with NO government regulation at all, the currency will crash. Goods and services are NOT being traded for commodities with intrinsic value. We owe interest on top of interest to bankers on a worthless currency they control via government enforcement, and the interest we pay, we pay it to them in HARD ASSETS. It is the biggest scam I’ve ever heard of in my life!!! Who thought up this crap? Everyone argues about regulation but few people want to solve the root cause of the problem. I don’t think that this issue of government regulation over business would even come up AT ALL if we had commodity currency because the power would be in the hands of the people. The only way to have a true free market is to annihilate fiat currency once and for all. If there is going to be free market we must have free market for everyone.

Ron Paul for President.

Deborah Stevens
Austin, Texas

Producer of the activist band Three Shoes Posse

Radio Talk show host of the judicial activist show,
“The Rule of Law”, Thurs & Fri. evenings, 9-11 pm CST
Streaming and Podcasting live from “We The People Radio Network”

Deborah is also now privileged to be a co-host of one of the longest running and most popular Public Access Cable TV shows in Austin – “The Jeff Davis Show”, featuring Jeff Davis and Terry “Liberty” Parker. Libertarian views meet outrageous comedy! On the air every Sunday night from 10-11pm CST since 1990 – over 8000 shows! Broadcast worldwide on the internet.

“Ron Paul Is Here” – New Music and Video From Three Shoes Posse

May 29, 2007

Three Shoes Posse is proud to release their newest single, “Ron Paul Is Here.” This original song features speech excerpts from Ron Paul at the debates. This sweet dancehall romp is available for free download at Also check the music video:

Here’s the YouTube link if you’d like to leave a comment on the video:

Ron Paul: Time to Take the Gloves Off With the Mainstream Media

May 25, 2007

Current mood: angry
Category: News and Politics

Look folks, I have had it. Yesterday’s Reuters article on Ron Paul just pushed it over the edge for me. (

I am seeing red when I read things like “longshot”, and “barely registers in opinion polls.” I can’t take it anymore. Enough is enough. No more emails, blogs, or even cool songs. No more mister nice guy.

I just called up the Reuters switchboard at 1 646 223 4000

and asked to speak to someone concerning bias in their reporting. Once I was connected to a real person, I let the guy have it. I quoted the MSNBC polls, the FOX poll, Alexa’s website rankings of all the candidates, you name it. I was as nice as I could be, and I told the guy I know it’s not his fault personally but this media bias has got to stop. I said it is preposterous for them to report that guiliani is the front-runner when the man hasn’t even read the 9-11 commission report and Ron Paul is stomping him everywhere. I told him that Ron Paul was going to win the primaries whether the media supported him or not and that we are sick of the lies. I demanded to know why the media is trying so hard to keep the man down – but there was no answer. I continued to give the man 3 shoes, but you get the idea.

Folks, we need to get on the phone and literally chew peoples’ ears off if we really want to get Ron Paul elected, and not just the mainstream media but their advertisers too.

Please pick your favorite pet peave mainstream article and make whatever phone calls necessary to actually talk to a live person and let them know how you feel, as well as their advertisers. I posted the reuters phone number above, more numbers to come.

Peace & Blessings,
Three Shoes Posse

“The Ron Paul Report” by Deborah Stevens on The Jeff Davis Show

May 23, 2007

“The Ron Paul Report” by Deborah Stevens on The Jeff Davis Show, May 20, 2007

Ron Paul Brings the House Down at Texas History Museum with Explosive Showing of Support

May 21, 2007

Ron Paul brought the house down last night at the Texas History Museum in Austin, Texas. The huge museum thundered with applause from a thousand people, which lasted for nearly five minutes as he walked through the crowd toward the stage to deliver his speech.

Never in my life have I have seen anything like what I witnessed last night. He had a professional photography session for everyone to have individual photos taken with him. His speech was riveting. He committed himself to protecting individual liberties and rights first and foremost and ensuring transparent and limited government. He outlined his fiscal policy very clearly concerning how he would protect the elderly and health care programs while bringing our troops back to protect our borders and even begin to bring the deficit under control all at the same time by simply changing foreign policy. Everything he said made total sense and is the message that America needs.

There were large showings of people representing Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats as well. His message rings true with the entire political spectrum. He spoke of how touched he was that he had so much support from so many people across the nation. Until the campaign began, he had not realized just how many people have been on his side for so long. He said he hadn’t realized just how powerful a tool of free speech that the internet was, but he sure knows now. The crowd roared with laughter and applause.

But it was what happened after his speech that gave me one of the most beautiful memories that I will never forget in my life. Ron Paul took the time to talk to anyone and everyone that wanted to spend time with him. The crowd was literally thronging him, yet it was the most peaceful scene. As he made his way slowly from the stage to the front door, a process which took well over an hour, he shook hands with people, listened to their words of encouragement and gratitude, took business cards, gave autographs, answered questions, recorded announcements for radio networks, took more pictures with people, it just went on and on. It was so touching it moved me to tears. Anything that anyone wanted from him, he gave it to them. His wife was doing the same thing. I got to speak to them both for awhile. They are the most down to earth, genuine, caring people you will ever meet. Anyone could tell that this was a sincere display of care for the people and not some politician giving out phony handshakes and a plastic smile with lip service just to get votes.

When I say the man and his family are for real, they ARE. He proved to me last night that he truly is committed to protecting individual liberty and freedom because he treated everyone in that crowd last night as individuals. He did not just address us as a group. He cared for each person as an individual and spent time with each person after his speech.

Ron Paul showed me how a president is supposed to relate to the people. He showed me that he’s just one of us, like your next door neighbor or a good friend. He doesn’t put himself above anyone at all. Ron Paul treats people as equals and engages in conversation with them. His wife Carol is the same way. We were talking, laughing, joking, she was giving me and my friends hugs, it felt like I’d known her for years, like she was part of my family.

I feel certain that Ron Paul will do as he says he will and I believe he will even open the White House again to the public. And why shouldn’t he? It’s the peoples’ White House anyway. It’s a historical museum and part of the history of our country. I toured the White House with my parents when I was a child. We need to give that experience to our future generations.

We need to do everything we can to spread the word and get this man into office. There is no one else like him. No one even comes close. He is a true patriot and someone who really cares for the people of this country. Everyone who takes the time to listen to him cannot help but love the man. Thank you Ron Paul, for everything you’re giving to us. We are going to push you all the way into the White House.

Deborah Stevens
Austin, Texas

Producer of the activist band Three Shoes Posse

Radio Talk show host of the judicial activist show,
“The Rule of Law”, Thurs & Fri. evenings, 9-11 pm CST
Streaming and Podcasting live from “We The People Radio Network”

Deborah is also now privileged to be a co-host of one of the longest running and most popular Public Access Cable TV shows in Austin – “The Jeff Davis Show”, featuring Jeff Davis and Terry “Liberty” Parker. Libertarian views meet outrageous comedy! On the air every Sunday night from 10-11pm CST since 1990 – over 8000 shows! Broadcast worldwide on the internet.